McLaren CEO Zak Brown said that Formula 1 is not far from the level of competitiveness experienced in IndyCar.

The 2023 IndyCar season saw 7 different races winners, while in Formula 1 it was Red Bull who took all but one race win throughout the entire year.

While F1 has had tight qualifying sessions this season, the level of convergence among teams and performances wasn’t enough to deliver different results regularly, something that the American series was able to achieve.

However, McLaren CEO Zak Brown said that F1 is not far from the level of convergence found in the IndyCar championship.

“If you look at the timesheets, even these teams that are ninth and 10th in the standings are a threat for Q3,” he said.

“For the championship, it’s probably going to be the same cast of characters, but I think Formula 1 is going to get more competitive.

“I think it’s going t o be more like IndyCar where there’s a lot of drivers that can win at any one time and rarely someone runs away with the championship. If Max had slipped on a banana peel, the championship would have looked quite a bit different with how many people have been on the podium, how many people have finished second.”

Brown hopes the teams will get closer together and that “it’ll be like seven, eight drivers that can win in any one weekend.”

“That’ll be awesome for the sport and I think that’s where we’re headed,” he stated.