Carles Falcon. Credits: Instagram.

The rider Carles Falcon suffered a serious crash during Stage 2 of the Dakar rally. After further checks, the team has shared more information about him.

After being found without a pulse, he was revived by the doctors and brought to the Al Duwadimi Hospital for more tests. However, it was not clear how his condition was after the accident, and Dakar Director David Castera said that more time was needed before making further evaluations.

Now, TwinTrail Racing Team, for which Falcon competes, has released an update regarding the latter.

“He has been confirmed to suffer a fracture in his C2 that requires urgent surgery. Tonight he will be shifted to Riyadh Hospital. Over the next few days, Carles will be kept sedated to control the development of the edema he has suffered in his head.

“Teammate Isaac Feliu will not continue in the race and has moved along with the midfield team to be able to stand by his side. As soon as we have news, we will report on their status and development.

“From the team and family, we appreciate all the messages of support received.”