Scuderia Ferrari has unveiled its new car for the 2024 Formula 1 season – the SF-24.

The launch happened digitally on social media and the shakedown is expected shortly past midday.

The new livery of the team presents new white-and-yellow linings, similar to the concept the team unveiled in its race suits earlier last week.

Additionally, the wheel covers are now red (in the SF23 they weren’t).

Team driver Charles Leclerc said he expects the SF-24 to be “less sensitive and easier to drive” than its predecessor.

“I expect the car to be a step forward in several areas and from the impression I formed in the simulator I think we are where we want to be,” he added.

Speaking about the car, technical director Enrico Cardile explained that Ferrari chose to “create a completely platform” for the SF-24.

“Every area of the car has been redesigned, even if our starting point was the development direction we adopted last year and which saw us take a leap forward in terms of competitiveness in the final part of the season.”

“We have taken on board what the drivers told us and turned those ideas into engineering reality,” he added, “with the aim of giving them a car that’s easier to drive and therefore easier to get the most out of and push it to its limits.

“We did not set ourselves any design constraints other than that of delivering a strong and honest racing car, which can reproduce on the race track what we have seen in the wind tunnel.”