Lando Norris, Australia. Credits: McLaren F1.

Lando Norris fears that Red Bull might dominate until 2026 and beyond thanks to their smartness and hopes “they will run out of ideas” so that other teams can catch up.

Red Bull won the drivers’ championship with Max Verstappen in 2021, then it dominated in 2022 and 2023. This season, it seems that it is going to repeat what it has been able to do the last two years.

Norris thinks the Milton Keynes-based outfit has a great advantage in the years to come, too. However, he hopes that with new rules in 2026, the pecking order might change.

“I think for things to really shake up, we have got to wait for 2026. That can potentially be a big shake-up for every team, with PUs [power units] being one of the biggest things.

“Right now, there’s not really anything between PUs but a lot more between cars.

“I expect Red Bull, being the team they are, to always carry an advantage because they’re ahead. They’re just as smart – smarter in many ways – and if they do just as good a job as any other team, they should always carry the advantage that they have.

“But you do hope they start to run out of ideas.”