David Sanchez, Alpine. Credits: Motorsport.com.

Alpine has found a new technical director in David Sanchez, who recently left McLaren after a short run with the British outfit.

The former Ferrari engineer is a new key figure in the newly implemented three-pillar structure at Alpine. He will directly report to Bruno Famin, the French outfit’s team principal. At the same time, he will oversee the roles of Ciaron Pilbeam, Joe Burnell, and David Wheater, who are the performance, engineering, and aerodynamics technical directors.

Famin spent a few words about the new signing and happily welcomed Sanchez into the team. He said that he is a key figure in optimizing the team’s performance and getting back on the right track.

“I am delighted to welcome David back to Enstone, where he started his career back in 2005. This is a key appointment to ensure we are optimizing everything we do as a team and focusing on the right performance areas,” said Famin.

“It is clear that the performance of the car and development path has not moved at a sufficient pace relative to our ambitions as a team. We look forward to welcoming David and working hard together to achieve the ultimate success.”

Sanchez responded that he is ready to start working with Alpine at Enstone, the place where he started his F1 career.

“I’m excited by this challenge at Alpine. I’m looking forward to working at Enstone again, the place where I started my Formula 1 career. 

“This team has always had so many fantastic people involved and there is clearly so much potential to unlock. We have a big task ahead to improve on-track performance and it is this type of challenge that motivates me. 

“I’m very much ready to begin and look forward to working with the Enstone-Viry technical teams again with the sole aim of bringing regular success back to this great team.”