Credits: F3 on X

Ahead of the realization of the 2024 FIA Formula 3 season, racing categories’ new cars have been presented for the F3 2025 season and onwards. An idea that was long overdue due to the fair aging of an F3 car used in the period between 2019 and 2024.

‘The Dallara F3 2025 chassis will be known as presents a visually more aggressive version than a current F3 machine is. Moreover, the chassis itself is much closer to its F2 and F1 counterparts which would hopefully decrease the time to adapt to the F2 car as well.

Albeit F3 cars are not hindered by the Mecachrome engines nor dirty air whilst following the car ahead as much as Formula 2 cars are, this 2025 package should represent even better engine efficiency and close-car racing which has been exceptional in the pre-penultimate ladder to Formula 1 world.

Credits: F3 on X.

The new Dallara machine is from the standpoint of technology stronger and more resistant in scenarios of rolling over or coming into contact nose-first or sideways.

From the presentation of the car itself, the buffier nose and side pods of a car come first under the impression. The heavier nose and more muscly sidepods of a Dallara F3 2025 come under use in case of an accident. Their duty rests on absorbing as much as possible of energy caused by a crash to prevent serious consequences.

Moreover, F3’s car has been structured to a more ‘flexible cockpit’. This refers to the accommodation of a wide range of driver body types.

This includes improvements in the seating position, steering wheel accessibility, and overall comfort within the cockpit. The redesign aims to ensure that the car is more inclusive and can be driven effectively by drivers of different sizes and strengths.

Front and rear wings resemble the ‘smaller’ version of an F2 car as their duty solely rests on upgraded aerodynamic features in terms of racing itself.

Overall Dallara’s F3 2025 look comes in line with FIA’s intention to present a ‘similar car style’ throughout their single-seaters as in a way to have its own identity.

F3 teams will have a first touch on their new machines in December of 2024 and January 2025 as a part of a shakedown. Official tests will be the first true indicator of who managed to adapt early into a new machine and new era of F3.